Monday 23 March 2015


Over the last few weeks we have actually done quite a bit. We have done a drumming workshop which was such good fun, we went to the cinema to see the movie Selma for History class, we went to the BT Young Scientist Exhibition, we did our TY Mini Company Competition and Scifest Competition, and lots more. We have got up to a lot of stuff since after Christmas and also a few more things to do. So weird to be thinking that we're nearly finished TY, it has been a good enough year and we have got to have loads of different fun experiences. It has given me time to try out different things and I have enjoyed it. Almost finished and then I can't wait for summer wooo !!!!! :) :) :)


  1. tickle my arm pit and call me amelia

  2. tickle my gooch and call me laetitia
